English menu is possible.Hagi HOTEL&RESTAURANT Hagi TRAVEL OPERATOR
TAKADAI has made an Englishi menu
English menu is possible.
Takadai hotel & restaurant is waitting for
coming all of you.
Recommended Dishes
☆Hagi-gozen ¥2400
☆seafood fresh bowl with race ¥1500
☆Takadai lunch (Westren) ¥1000
☆tenpura sashimi sushi puffer fish beef
☆Recomended course ¥3000
beer wine sake,alcohol drinks'
☆beef dishes ¥1500~
☆fresh fish dishies ¥800~
☆Grilled dishes ¥1200~
☆Hot pot dishes ¥1200~
萩 (HAGI) 萩 グルメ 萩 食材
萩市明治維新150年 萩の宿 はぎ 宴会
萩ビジネスホテル 萩会議 萩仕出し 萩飲み放題
萩出張 萩ホテル 萩団体ランチ 萩JR 萩法事
萩 食べる 萩泊まる