中国人観光客 ビザ緩和 visa criteria for Chinese tourists
The Japanese government will greatly ease conditions for issuing visas to individual tourists from China starting on July first.
年収 25万元(約340万以上の裕福層 約160万世帯
官公庁 大手企業に勤務 大手クレジットカードのゴールドカード
保有者または年収 6万元(80万円以上)の人 1600万世帯
Tourist visas are currently issued only to Chinese tour groups and wealthier Chinese people. The new conditions will widen access to middle-income visitors, defined as those with an annual income of at least 9,000 dollars.
Applicants must have no criminal record and enough income to possess gold cards issued by major credit companies. Chinese government employees and corporate middle managers will also be eligible.